
Product Design (UI/UX)

Preview hero image showcasing app designs in iphone mockups
End-to-end Mobile App Concept
Personal Project
Research, concept development, wireframing, visual mockups, and prototyping.
January - April 2022

The Product

Finding a movie can be time-consuming and challenging in the decentralized streaming world, where users hunt through numerous platforms.

MovieFinder addresses this issue by offering personalized movie recommendations through an initial movie quiz and rating system. Users input their streaming subscriptions, and the app provides tailored suggestions, with options to filter by Rotten Tomatoes scores and genres.


85% of U.S. households now have at least one subscription to a movie streaming service, such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, or HBO Max. Out of that percentage, users have an average of four streaming service subscriptions, according to the Deloitte Digital Media Trends Study.

I found that...

  1. It is difficult to find a good movie to watch
  2. Users wish to combine all their streaming services into a single platform
  3. Users often search for the Rotten Tomatoes score before watching a movie

Synthesizing those trends

Users want personalized movie recommendations in one place, considering their streaming service subscriptions and Rotten Tomatoes scores, as finding good movies can be challenging.

Information Architecture

Sitemap information architecture

Visual Design

Homepage wireframe screenshot
Homepage final design screenshot
Movie view wireframe screenshot
Movie view final design screenshot
Movie Details
Movie information wireframe screenshot
Movie details final design screenshot


I prioritized essential details while optimizing real estate, reducing the levels of "menu diving," and scrolls/clicks required to accomplish actions.


I ensured core app functionality is accessible through multiple physical interactions. For instance, users can rate movies in the 'Rate Movies' tab by tapping or swiping buttons.

Another accessibility consideration was adding a dictation button for speech input in quiz and search fields.

Next Steps

After app development, the next steps would involve extensive testing for user experience, functionality, and device compatibility.

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